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Attention Brothers,

We’re gearing up for our upcoming tailgate party, and to make it a great success, we need your support. Please consider making a small donation of $20 per person to help cover the costs of essentials like food, drinks, and supplies.

Kindly send your donation to my Cash App account: $temetan

Also, to ensure our tailgate party, starting at 1pm, is a success, we need to gather those funds for the following essentials:

  1. Hotdogs
  2. Hamburgers
  3. Utensils
  4. Water and sodas
  5. Ice
  6. A cooking grill
  7. Charcoal
  8. Plates
  9. Napkins
  10. Rolls and buns for hamburgers and hotdogs
  11. Foil

Your contributions will help us make the event enjoyable for everyone. Thanks for your support!

Thank you
Brother Mark Sills
610 800 2590

Venue Details
Events Details
Date :
14 September 2024
Time :
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Phi Beta Sigma
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